No Chains On Me
April 30, 2023 .
Pastor Ken Albert continues our series, "Flourishing Faith" with this message showing how the social justice that we are taught today is nothing close to what Jesus spoke about.April 30, 2023 .
Pastor Ken Albert continues our series, "Flourishing Faith" with this message showing how the social justice that we are taught today is nothing close to what Jesus spoke about.January 29, 2023 .
Pastor Ken Albert continues our series, "Full of the Spirit" with this message about the Spiritual Motivational Gifts of Prophecy and Ministries or Serving.January 22, 2023 .
Pastor Ken Albert gets back to our series from last year, "Full of the Spirit," and teaches about the Motivational Gifts and how they are a big part of who we are individually and together..January 15, 2023 .
Pastor Ken Albert continues his theme from last week with this message that compares the church today with the original church of 33 AD that Christ started.January 8, 2023 .
Guest Speaker Rev. Ashley Albert shares a different look at the book and story of Ruth.