Living That Makes Cents
November 18, 2018 .
Pastor Ken Albert speaks about the Biblical Principal of Seed Time and Harvest in this message on what tithing is and how it affects our lives.November 18, 2018 .
Pastor Ken Albert speaks about the Biblical Principal of Seed Time and Harvest in this message on what tithing is and how it affects our lives.November 4, 2018 .
Pastor Ken Alberts continues our series, "Unhindered," with this message about how we are set free can changed by the Day of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Christ's Church.October 28, 2018 .
Special Guest Speaker, Pastor Kenny Albert III speaks about the invitation that God has sent each of us and how we should respond to it.October 21, 2018 .
Pastor Ken Albert continues our series, "Unhindered" with this message about the power and calling that we have to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.