All Of Our Services are LIVE online

Join Us For Sunday Service and Wednesday Bible Study!

If, for some reason, you cannot make it to our live service, please feel free to join us live online. You can watch on Our Facebook Page or join us on Our Youtube Channel.

Sunday Morning service will be at 10 am and Bible Study will be every Wednesday night at 6:30 pm.

Words from our senior pastors

Pastor Ken Albert

Too many people miss out on what God has for them. Read the scriptures, discover your Spiritual DNA and begin to live like the Kings Kid that God has created you to be!

Pastor Kim Albert

It is true that the Lord has a great future for each and everyone of us. But it is the "NOW" that He desires us to live in and to show His glory in. Don't wait til tomorrow for what God is wanting to accomplish in your life today!

Bible Reading for today

Genesis 32:28