The Levels of OSL

Operation Solid Lives has five Levels:

level One

LEVEL ONE - Is a 5 Sunday (4 week) study on the love that God has for you. It doesn't matter how much time you spent in church, very few people understand how much God really loves them and what it means in their everyday lives. Did you know that Jesus calls you His "Daily Delight?" You will find out why in this wonderful study of God's Word.

level two

LEVEL TWO - Is a 7 Sunday (6 week) study on the Middle Eastern tradition of the "Blood Covenant." The Bible is a Middle Eastern book. To understand the covenant that we have with God, we need to understand the traditions and understandings that the Middle Eastern people have and live under. When this class is done, you will have a much greater appreciation for what Jesus did on the cross. You also understand why God says to you, "that He would never leave your or forsake you!"

level three

LEVEL THREE - Is a 7 Sunday (6 week) study on the book that we call the Bible. Why is the Bible considered to be the Word of God? What makes it special from any other book? Why is it made up of the 66 books that it contains? How about the translations - how do we know the Bible doesn't contain errors? All of these questions and more are answered in this level of OSL. You will gain a much greater understanding and respect for the #1 selling book of all times!

level four

LEVEL FOUR - Is a 7 Sunday (6 week) study on what it means to walk with Christ spiritually. This relationship that we have with Jesus is a spiritual relationship. You will study how to live spiritually in a way that brings victory and fulfillment to life on planet earth. This class also gives you the tools that you need to pick up the spiritual weapons that God has given to each believer. If you want to know how to get a head in life, this is the class for you.

level five

LEVEL FIVE - Is a 7 Sunday (6 week) study on ministry in the church. For too long we have looked at the pastor as if he/she should do everything. But the scriptures declare that every one of us are called to be ministers of the gospel. Find out what ministry looks like and how God wants to use you in the church and in the world.

You cannot jump levels. They must each be taken in order. We offer 4 classes of level 1 each year and 2 classes of all the other levels. We require at least a class of at least 3 students to operate a class.

You can register here on line or by stopping in at the church office.

You do not need to attend our church to attend the classes. In fact, your church will reap many benefits of you taking the classes with us. Just call the church office to find out how.